min 6 monthمرتب
3500 AED + Bonusساعات العمل
9 hoursExperience as a Call Center operator in Recovery Company
1. Answer inbound calls in a timely and friendly manner from tenants
2. Evaluate problems and complaints of the tenants and enter in the system (CRM)
3. Assign complaints/work to the technician via work orders
4. Route calls to other team members whenever needed
5. Make relevant notes from customer interactions
6. Arrange vehicle and materials when needed
7. Complete call logs and reports
8. Maintain attendance sheets
10. Raising martial requisitions
12. Manage & update customer databases
13. Follow-up on customer calls
16. Keeping track of recovery cars.
1081 شخصتاريخ البدء
2024-05-24تاريخ البدء
2024-07-31حصل على خصم 20%
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